Sep 26, 2022
We know military life can sometimes be really hard and feel very serious.
And that’s why this week, I’m challenging you to add more humor into your military life & marriage - because it really can do wonders. (Like how today’s guest literally got me through my postpartum experience with her hilarious reels!)
Sep 19, 2022
I have a highly requested episode for you this week, Married to Military family!
Today, I’m bringing on a guest who literally made me Married to Military - active duty U.S. Navy pilot and my husband, Sean Cavanagh. We’re diving into all the tough topics as Sean answers questions submitted by you - my incredible...
Sep 12, 2022
Sometimes your marriage isn’t going to feel good.
BUT whether you feel like your relationship isn’t working, you’re simply in a rut, or things are going well, but you want them to be better - there is ONE important thing you can do to jumpstart your marriage.
This week, I want to talk about why we tend to stop...
Sep 5, 2022
Building community and connection when you’re starting over in a new place can be really tough. And it’s especially hard when you’re doing it every 2-3 years! So, what can we do to make starting over after a military move a little easier on ourselves? This week, military spouse & podcast host Alison joins me to...