Apr 24, 2023
I love research y’all. I stumbled across an 85 year Harvard study recently that blew my mind. It sent me into deep-dive research mode, and I came out of that wanting to share what I learned with you in this episode: what will make you happy, healthy, and live longer.
This episode validates what I have personally...
Apr 17, 2023
Have you ever thought about getting support in your marriage, but thought, “our relationship isn’t THAT bad?”. Yet nothing changed, and if anything, it’s now worse?
It’s normal to have anxiety and worry about what will happen in your marriage if you do decide to ask for help, but we were never taught how to...
Apr 10, 2023
Make the ask. That’s just one piece of advice from Dr. Sharita, who is with Mission:Milspouse, an organization that empowers military spouses with resources, supporting them to conquer adversity, foster confidence, and thrive in this military life.
Making the ask means having the courage to reach out and ask for...
Apr 3, 2023
Wondering how to make deployments smoother? It's natural to reflect on previous deployments and wonder what you could have done better, what you could have done differently, and what strategies you can implement to make the next deployment smoother. And if you've been through it before, you know deplyment is a...