Aug 28, 2023
Whether this is your first deployment or tenth, I want you to be as supported as possible and ready to face anything that comes your way. This episode breaks down what you can expect during each stage of deployment, and provides practical tips to manage and prepare for them so it’s easier and more enjoyable for you.
Aug 21, 2023
Feeling overwhelmed, defeated, and hopeless while your spouse is deployed? You’re not alone.
Too often I hear from struggling spouses that they can’t take one more day of deployment. It’s just. too. much. They feel helpless because getting through another day seems impossible, and they just don’t know what...
Aug 14, 2023
Sure, deployments create physical distance from your spouse, but that doesn’t mean you have to be emotionally detached as well. In this episode, we uncover the hacks to maintaining an unbreakable connection with your spouse throughout deployment. This is your guide to intentionally nurture your relationship...
Aug 7, 2023
Do you know why I typically sign off with “I hope you are taking care of yourself” at the end of each episode? Well, it’s not just a well-meaning gesture, but a powerful not-so-secret secret that holds the key for all military spouses - especially during those challenging times of separation.
Taking care of...